Christianity, it’s different

Christianity is different from other world religions. Most of them can survive their sacred texts being found to contain conflicting details. What’s most important to them are the broad generalities they teach, not the particulars of their founders’ lives. But Christianity holds itself to such a high standard — 100% accuracy (a standard established by God Himself) — that the details of the life and death of Jesus Christ are critical to the validity of Christianity’s entire message. In fact,

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Lawlessness & America

Jesus said that lawlessness would increase in the last days. In the Apostle Paul’s 2nd letter to Timothy he wrote: 1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.  For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,  heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,  treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of

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In Israel’s Defense…

Israel’s attack on Hezbollah shocked the world. Why? Both the US State Department and the United Nations seemed appalled that Israel would attack an enemy that has fired close to 10,000 missiles at its citizens since October 7th of last year. What’s surprising about that? Do they think Jews should gently acquiesce when led from ghettos to gas chambers? Should the world’s only Jewish state be the one nation not allowed to defend itself? Such thinking is distorted, bizarre, and

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United Nations Attacks Israel

The weapons of war do not consist solely of missiles and guns. They also exist in the form of words and communication. A verbal assault can be more significant than a missile barrage. The United Nations has no standing army. But it still chooses sides and tries to direct the outcome of conflicts. In the conflict between Iran’s proxies and Israel, the UN has chosen to become a propaganda agent for some of the worst terror groups in history. Both

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Palestinian Victims

The Palestinian people really are victims. Primarily, they are the victims of ruthless brain washing and mental conditioning. Part of their extreme ignorance is self-imposed, but much of it is forced on them by the regime they live under. A speaker at a Palestinian funeral in 2023 said, “A people in which a mother accompanies her martyr son with sounds of joy will never be defeated…. We love death like our enemies love life.” That’s not an isolated quote. Palestinian

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New Alliances

50,000 mosques in Iran have now closed as people have abandoned Islam in droves, sick of the evil Islamic regime they’ve suffered under. Now many are turning to Jesus instead. We are praying that a similar phenomenon will happen in Gaza as disillusionment with Hamas becomes more widespread. The nations around Israel have created hostile battle lines on every side, much as described in Psalm 83, but we need to also keep in mind the seismic developments of the Abraham

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The Middle-East Fuse Has Been Lit

Iran’s promised attack on Israel arrived Friday, April 12th. The world now holds its breath, fearful that an Israeli reprisal will keep that volatile region spiraling toward a greater war. I believe Bible prophecy indicates that the present conflict will not immediately turn into the global conflagration which so many now fear. But it is part of a pattern that will eventually lead to Armageddon. Before Friday’s attack, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz wrote on social media, “If Iran attacks

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Nations Feeling Restless

The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent. In Europe, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine threatens to engulf the region. And European wars have a tendency to become world wars. Finland and Sweden, two previously neutral countries, recently joined NATO. Sweden had been neutral since the early 1800s. It resisted taking sides in World Wars I and II, as well as the Cold War. But not anymore. Sweden

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Where Does Truth Come From?

by Martyn Iles A few years ago, I was helping a group of teenagers with some tutoring sessions. They would ask about everything, from English essays to science projects. As this practice grew, I wondered how we might make the best use of our time. So one evening I asked them, “What do you need help with the most?” After a long pause, one of them suddenly lit up as if she’d had the best idea of her life. That’s

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Today’s Israel

The Israel we see today is biblical Israel. Some would say that can’t be true because the people of that nation do not generally live as the Old Testament commands. But when did the people of Israel ever live up to the law of Moses? History shows that the Jews in Israel today descend from the Jews in Israel 2,000 years ago. God placed the proof in their DNA. Do you know what that means? It means the Bible is

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Israel – Recipient of Atrocities

Israel longs for peace. I’ve been there dozens of times and spent quality time with political leaders, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, and with legendary military leaders. I’ve spoken at length with regular soldiers and regular people, Jews and Palestinians. I can tell you with certainty that Israel desperately longs for peace, probably more than any other nation in the world. Look at how many times they have been willing to compromise their safety for so-called “peace agreements” where the “peace”

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A Battle That Didn’t Begin in 2023

Israel declaring war on Hamas is much closer to the end of the story than the beginning. We have a tendency to snapshot the latest incidents and draw conclusions based on recent events. Using that philosophy in the case of Israel and Palestine or Israel and Gaza, or Israel and Hamas leaves out crucial background information that will ultimately lead us to form incorrect conclusions.  This battle didn’t start on October 7, 2023, or in 1973, or in 1948. This

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