Brett Kavanaugh: A Crossroads for America

It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of the crossroads at which we stand today in America.

One of the defining principles of our nation — one that is almost innate within the psyche of Americans — is the idea that each of us is “innocent until proven guilty” of any accusation. We all grew up knowing that, when the stakes were high, at least we had the protection of that fundamental assumption. We knew that in matters great or small, the onus of proof was on the accuser. […] In fact, it has been a main pillar of jurisprudence in America for centuries, and millennia in previous societies.

Yet the main bludgeon in the final battle against Kavanaugh’s nomination has been an attempt to pervert that principle. The Left is so desperate to win that it has chosen to sacrifice that hallowed right on the altar of expediency.

The Democratic Party, the mainstream media, academia, entertainment, and a disappointing number of “establishment” organizations (even churches) apparently all agree that “guilt by accusation” is the new, acceptable standard. And that the concept of a “statute of limitations” is unnecessary.

I don’t need to tell you how explosively dangerous both of those ideas are. Normal Americans understand the frightening possibilities this quicksand represents. Those on the Left know, too, that’s why their reckless willingness to discard them is so disturbing.

“Guilt by accusation alone” was the foundation on which The Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, and the Reign of Terror were perpetrated. (Also, the practice that the accused defend himself before he heard the accusation. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s minority members — the Democrats — insisted that Judge Kavanaugh testify in his defense before Dr. Ford presented her accusations. The Committee Chairman refused.)

Once again, I cannot overstate the importance of this moment in our history. If we are to continue to realize God’s blessings on our nation, we must get serious about rejecting the slide into nihilism. We must get serious about restoring to preeminence the moral foundations on which our nation was built.

We must get serious about seeking God’s forgiveness for our national failures and working to restore our national values.

Our second President, John Adams once observed, “Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net…

America was not designed to operate in the chaos of backstabbing, greed, and rage. But since our nation has been systematically eliminating God from our institutions and culture, we no longer have the moral compass to sustain the greatness that our heritage allowed us to achieve.

Pray for America. We are at a moment of great crisis – and greater danger.

transmitted by Hal Lindsey – 10/5/2018

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