Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network’s Chris Mitchell reported from Israel on how, more and more, archaeological excavations in Israel are validating the Bible and the Jewish people’s ancient connection to the “biblical heartland.”
Chris got a unique look at the excavations going on at ancient Israel’s first capital, Shiloh, located along the route known as the Way of the Patriarchs. Shiloh is steeped in the Bible. It’s where Joshua divided up the Promised Land for the twelve tribes and where the Tabernacle of the Lord stood for more than three hundred years.
“We’re dealing with real people, real places, real events. This is not mythology. The coins that we excavated today – [the] coins of Herod the Great, Pontious Pilate, Thestos, Felix, Agrippa the First, Agrippa the Second – [the] Bible talks about these people,” says Scott Stripling, the director of the Shiloh excavations. “They’ve uncovered a fortified wall built by the Canaanites and found a treasure trove of artifacts that includes coins and 2,000 pieces of pottery during their excavations.” Stripling states:
“Archeology doesn’t set out to prove or disprove the Bible.”
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made history when he announced that Jewish communities in the so-called “West Bank” would no longer be considered “illegal” by the Trump administration. “This landmark decision suddenly put hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Judea and Samaria in an entirely different status—no longer occupiers —at least according to the U.S. CBN News covered this important story because it went to the heart of one of the most contentious issues of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the Jewish connection to the land.
We must remember what God said regarding Israel in Genesis 12:3,
“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (NKJV)
Given these profound discoveries, it looks like the Trump administration got it right. Regardless of what the world may say, the connection of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland goes back thousands of years in Israel’s biblical heartland!