[In August] the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) held its Churchwide Assembly. At that gathering, the delegates representing the individual congregations agreed to join their voices and efforts together to urge America to force Israel to walk the plank.
I’m on old sailor, so that’s how I would describe it. You may choose to say, “…urge America to force Israel to commit national suicide.” Either way, the result is the same.
The ELCA has now joined the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, otherwise known as BDS. They seek to isolate Israel, hobble it, and force it to allow the establishment of a full-on terrorist state within its heartland.
Under the present circumstances, enabling “an independent Palestinian state,” as the ELCA demands, is tantamount to allowing ISIS to live next door. That’s because Hamas, which is a globally recognized terrorist organization, will be chosen by the Palestinians to lead the new state. Hamas and ISIS are two peas in the same pod.
It amazes me that so many Christians and Christian organizations are quick to demand that Israel put itself and its citizens in mortal danger. They spend time and effort (oftentimes displaying incredible ignorance about the reality on the ground in Israel) in castigating the Israelis for their treatment of the Palestinians and their state. They ignore the fact that there is not and never has been a Palestinian people or a Palestinian state.
Yet these same people — Pope Francis foremost among them — make no effort to call to task the Islamists who are waging ethnic cleansing and genocide against Christians all across the Middle East.
Italian journalist Giulio Meotti observed that the Catholic Church is pushing for the creation of a Palestinian state that “would be the first state after the Nazi Germany to officially ban the Jews and expel the remnant of its Christians.”
These churches would do well to remember God’s promise to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.” (Genesis 12:3 NASB)
transmitted by Hal Lindsey – 9/9/2016