Border Trash and Illegal Immigration

One of the most direct environmental impacts of illegal immigration is one that’s clearly observable to anyone who lives at the southwest border — the thousands of pounds of trash that are discarded and left behind by aliens and their hired human smugglers. Border trash refers to items discarded by persons involved in illegal immigration such as plastic containers, clothing, backpacks, foodstuffs, vehicles, bicycles and paper. It can also consist of human waste and sometimes medical products. Accumulated border trash

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President Trump’s Cabinet Gathers for Bible Studies

Members of President Donald Trump’s cabinet are gathering for prayer weekly.  Vice President Mike Pence and eight cabinet secretaries sponsor the sessions, which occur weekly in Washington. It’s led by the founder of Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger, who started working on arranging the Bible study during the Trump team’s transition to the White House. Sponsors include Vice President Pence; Secretaries Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Perry, Tom Price and Jeff Sessions; EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and CIA Director

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When Worry Crowds Out Trust

We are a forgetful people. In the heat of an argument, we forget a friend’s kindness and focus on their faults. When the devastation of a financial loss occurs, we forget God’s previous provision. Worry crowds out trust because they cannot co-exist. The way to shrink our worry is to meditate on God’s character and truth. What we allow our minds to ruminate on affects our thoughts, actions, and emotions. We are creatures of habit, and cycles of worry are

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A Reality of Purpose

Evolutionists, atheists, and secularists do not believe in a reality of purpose. They may embrace short-term fulfillment, but without an eternal Creator there’s no ultimate purpose in life and no hope. We can’t live that way. Christians believe in a reality of purpose. Studies have shown that having purpose and meaning in life benefit both the young and old. The Lord told Pharaoh, “For this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you.” If

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Scientific Study of LGBT Issues Results in Intolerance

According to an article produced by Answers in Genesis1, researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reviewed hundreds of scientific papers on homosexuality and transgenderism. They determined that many popular views on LGBT issues, such as the idea that “gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex,” are not supported by science. Now, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is at odds with the actual evidence of the study, and is using

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God’s People Acting Like Virtual Atheists

Robert Morgan comments on Isaiah 30 scripture which depicts the king of Judah’s response to the threatening Assyrian invasion:  “They [God’s people] acted like virtual atheists, as though God were not part of the equation of their situation at all.  They failed to rely on their Redeemer.” 1 I can’t help but feel that we in the U.S. have boarded the same boat in the way we increasingly ignore God in cultural and governmental decisions – in some cases pushing

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Christianity’s World-Wide Positive Impact

With all of the negativity Christianity has been receiving lately, it seems the bigger and overarching picture may have disappeared from view.  Robert Morgan conveys it well in his book, The Strength You Need (Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, 2016).    From page 43: Christianity has changed the planet more than any other philosophy or faith system ever conceived on our globe.  Christians have been at the vanguard of the abolition of slavery, the promotion of human rights, the advance of prison reform, the

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The Real Enemy

Many of us entrenched in political and cultural fights to preserve life, marriage and family, and religious freedom join our fellow Americans as we grieve the tragic loss of life from the inconceivable horror unleashed in Orlando, Florida on Sunday. We’ve set aside our arguments and bent our knees. We all feel the pain rip through our nation as a self-proclaimed terrorist slaughtered dozens of our fellow men and women in the name of his god. It’s anguishing to see

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The Eloquence of a Lily

Have you walked through a beautiful garden in the springtime?  It’s very difficult to be weighed down by the cares of the world when you’re surrounded by the majesty of God’s beautiful art.  Solomon was a glorious king, Jesus tells us, with the wealth of several kingdoms at his disposal.  But all of his sparkling finery pales in comparison to the simplest lily that God placed beside your feet. And how many office hours have those lilies put in?  How

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