Sex, Gender Identity, and Government

“The government has a duty to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students. We will not put a price tag on the privacy and safety of schoolgirls. That is exactly what the Obama administration is doing by threatening to withhold federal funding if we do not conform to an extreme political agenda that opens all public school girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to male students. Contrary to what President Obama would like, Americans do not elect a king

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A More Perfect Union

Many people have wondered why I’ve been speaking out on controversial issues for the last few years. They say I’ve never held political office. I’m not a constitutional scholar. I’m not even a lawyer. All I can say to that is “Guilty as charged.” It’s true that I’ve never voted for a budget America could not afford. I’ve never raised anyone’s taxes. And I’ve never promised a lobbyist anything in exchange for a donation. Luckily, none of that really matters.

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Faith in Atheism

“I remember how frustrated I became when, as a young atheist, I examined specimens under the microscope,” wrote Dr. Douglas Oliver. “I would often walk away and try to convince myself that I was not seeing examples of extraordinary design…” But the more Oliver studied the complexities of the natural world … the more inadequate he found atheistic and evolutionary explanations.*  Today Dr. Oliver is among a growing number of former atheists who value the biblical truths of creation. It

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Palestine – Where is It?

Throughout history and to this day, a country or nation called Palestine has never existed.  This was  re-affirmed again today when Jim Fletcher wrote: “Yet no archaeologist has ever uncovered evidence of an ancient “Palestinian” civilization. No one denies that there are presently “Palestinians,” but the very term is a political one, created only a few decades ago. It was designed to fool people into thinking there has always been a Palestinian presence in the land, making their claims equal

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U.S Judge Pledges Allegiance to Jihad

Fox News reported on December 16, that a Muslim Civil Court judge in New York City was sworn in using the Koran, the holy book of Islam, as a testament to her radical Islamic belief system. That a judge or politician can now legally swear allegiance to the Islamic ideology, one that allows wife-beating, abuse of children, and other crimes that would usually be considered aberrations in Western countries, is a stark change to the previous, God-inspired value system of the United States.

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Unearthed Seal Reinforces Biblical Account

According to a report in  by Michael Bachner on December 3, 2015, “the first ever seal impression of a Judean king was unearthed in Jerusalem on .. December 2 at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount…” It was the royal seal of King Hezekiah (727-698 BCE).  The inscription reads (in ancient Hebrew), “Belonging to Hezekiah [son of] Ahaz king of Judah”. “..this is the first time that a seal impression of an Israelite or Judean king has ever come

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The Truth About Palestine

Israel was conquered by the Babylonians who began deporting them in 586 BC.  Many years later the Persians conquered the Babylonians and the Jews remained under their control.  Centuries later, the Greeks, under Alexander the Great, defeating the Persians and ruled the known world.  Then in 63 BC, the area of Israel was conquered by Rome, and the Caesars now ruled the land.  During this Roman period of world history, Jesus ministered.  In AD 70, almost 40 years after Jesus’

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Prideful to a Fault

It struck me recently that the seemingly endless debate of “Evolution versus Creation” contains an obvious irony on the side of Evolution.  First of all, it should be noted that, according to the Wikipedia definition, Creationism is the religious belief that the universe and life originated “from specific acts of divine creation.” For young Earth creationists, this includes a biblical literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative and the rejection of the scientific theory of evolution.  Wikipedia contains this definition

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Jerusalem Events are Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.   ~Zechariah 12:3 As seen through multiple recent events, the nations of the world are increasing their efforts to weaken or remove Jewish sovereignty in Jerusalem. Is this a fulfillment of Zechariah 12:3’s prophecy that, at the End of

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The Ultimate Security System

Have you noticed now many of our headlines contain the word security – Social Security, Homeland Security, cyber security, security procedures, security guards, national security, and personal security? The dictionary defines security as “freedom from care, anxiety, and fear; precautions taken to guard against harm.” This dangerous world is obsessed with security, but our only real security is found in the Lord. We live in an unsafe world, and it’s more dangerous than the leaders of our government realize; for

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