Prophecy Fulfillment Increasing

For sixty years, I’ve been teaching about things we now see every day. I’m not special. The Bible is my insight and revelation. As I study, I ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate His word. You can do the same thing. When I began teaching about Bible prophecy, news stories coinciding with and confirming prophecy came along every few months. Eventually, that became every few weeks. Then every few days. In the last few months, it has been relentless. Newscasts

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Iran & Russia In Alignment With Biblical Prophecy

[Last week…] Israel launched an airstrike against a factory inside Syria. Contrary to the usual international brouhaha that usually accompanies an Israeli action against any of its adversaries, the world has been silent. That’s because everyone knows that Syria was producing chemical weapons at that plant. Apparently, they were also developing precision missiles there. A former Major General in Israel’s Defense Forces thinks that the lack of response to the strike from Syria and Hezbollah indicates another retaliation is underway. Yaakov

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Bible Prophecy and America

I believe the last few weeks have been dramatic in view of Bible prophecy for these last days. Hurricane Harvey and, more importantly, its aftermath have wreaked unbelievable devastation on the coastal regions of Southeast Texas and Louisiana. And it continues. As I write these words, rooftop rescues are still happening. Entire communities are being evacuated from flooded areas. Whole cities are without water and power. And the death toll is rising. Only now are thousands of first-responders and National

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Racism & Identity Politics

Though we do not want to think about it, and some will deny its existence, there is a worldwide phenomenon happening right now. It is ripping apart nations, communities, and even families.  It’s called “Identity Politics.” It is dangerous. Those who engage in it are contributing to the destruction of our great nation. Those who promote it in government, the media, and international relations are doing so for their own political and financial benefit. But they are playing with fire.

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Are you going to trust “The System”?

Can you imagine a world in which you would never lose your car keys or wallet? Or have them stolen? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to stand in line at the grocery store? Or the airline ticket counter? Or TSA? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to worry about having your identity stolen when shopping online? Or your credit cards accessed by hackers? Can you imagine a world in

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Eliminating Religion from Government

Canada Canada recently enacted a piece of legislation called Bill 89. Its net effect is that the Canadian government will be empowered to remove children from the homes of parents who do not agree that their small child may be “transgender.” As if a small child even know[s] what “gender” means, much less can identify his or her own internal gender fluidity! Folks, this is theater of the absurd — to the extreme! […] United Kingdom It has gotten so

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North Korea Playing Into Prophesy

Mr. Obama told the President-elect that his most pressing foreign policy problem would be North Korea. Unfortunately for President Trump, if that is true, it’s true because U.S. Presidents have been kicking this can down the road for decades. Every President in recent years has chosen to simply contain the North Korean regime and placate it by sending humanitarian assistance in return for empty promises to make nice. In the meantime, we’ve allowed North Korea (NK) to develop an extensive

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Resurrection Day – 2017

As we approach Resurrection Day of 2017, I believe our world is facing greater dangers than any time in recent memory. On the one hand, our new, besieged President deals with the threat of imminent nuclear war in Asia. On the other, he faces the prospect of conflict with Russia and Iran (which also could easily go nuclear). According to the Bible prophets, those two powers will one day lead the coalition of nations that will invade Israel. As the

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But there IS trouble in Sweden!

In a speech in Florida last month, President Trump referred to the problems Sweden is experiencing because of its lax immigration policies. As usual, there was an immediate mainstream media and social media response. Both ridiculed the President and his supposed lack of information. One reporter at the Huffington Post asked what the President was smoking to make such a claim. Even the Swedish government responded. Their spokespeople tried to make it seem that the President was ill-informed about Sweden.

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Fake News = Real Problem

The idea of “fake news” is real, folks. The problem is, it’s the mainstream media that is faking the news. They feel they can do so because they have a monopoly on communication and the public will never know they have concocted stories. Recently, the Associated Press (AP) reported that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief John Kelly had issued a memo calling for the use of the National Guard for immigration enforcement. Other major outlets took that story and

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