Increased Drug Use Predicted Over 2000 Years Ago

America’s eyes have [recently] been on New Hampshire. But we’ve been so focused on the outcome of the presidential primaries, we have not noticed the dark specter that is rising there. According to several recent polls, the number one concern for New Hampshire residents is not who will be the Democrat or Republican nominee. It’s not the economy. It’s not even President Obama’s number one concern: climate change. Surprisingly, the issue that is uppermost for the greatest number of New

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Technology Won’t Rescue The World

The 2016 World Economic Forum, held annually in Davos Switzerland, ended last week. It displayed a bizarre blend of panic and political correctness. Each year, the WEF brings together more than 2,500 of the world’s elite, including many heads of state. They discuss pressing issues facing the world. These are the movers and shakers of business, government, and academia whose actions often have great impact on world events. This year’s discussions were chock full of political correctness, but there was

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Abandoning Israel – Part II

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry recently admitted that Hezbollah has 70 to 80,000 rockets (all aimed at Israel, by the way), “…and much of it supplied, obviously, across the border from Iran through Damascus.” Yet he and President Obama proudly pushed the Iran deal through. Because, I think, to most Americans and Europeans, Iran having nuclear weapons is simply “theoretical.” We don’t feel threatened by it (though we should), so who cares? But Israel will be the target of

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How China is a Step Closer to Biblical Prophecy

The ACLU is concerned about a new program recently instituted by the government of China. It is designed to encourage compliance with the Communist regime. In a few years, though, it will enforce compliance with the regime. Today, it is voluntary. By 2020, it will be mandatory. In China, everyone has an identity card. Using that card, computers will automatically track all data on every citizen, assigning each one a “credit score.” That sounds innocent enough. In the United States,

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2015: A Giant Leap Toward Prophetic Fulfillment

From the perspective of Bible prophecy, 2015 may be remembered as the year Satan’s key project began to rise.  Since at least the time of Nimrod, Satan has been laying the groundwork for a one-world government, with his man in charge.  Through the millennia since, he’s had successes and setbacks. But in 2015, the foundation became complete enough for him to begin building the actual edifice.  [2015] seemed to bring us to the critical time when Satan’s one-world order got

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Palestine – Where is It?

Throughout history and to this day, a country or nation called Palestine has never existed.  This was  re-affirmed again today when Jim Fletcher wrote: “Yet no archaeologist has ever uncovered evidence of an ancient “Palestinian” civilization. No one denies that there are presently “Palestinians,” but the very term is a political one, created only a few decades ago. It was designed to fool people into thinking there has always been a Palestinian presence in the land, making their claims equal

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The Mystery of the Magi

For many of us, Christmas is our favorite time of the year. But each year it grows more difficult to navigate the suffocating commercialism and secularization of the season to arrive at the genuine reason for the celebration: the incarnation of God as a human to become the sacrifice for our sins and make possible our reconciliation to God. I’m afraid we’ve lost our sense of wonderment at the unfathomable miracles that made possible the advent of our Savior. One

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Being Secure In An Insecure World

As 2016 bears down upon us, many Christians are becoming more and more confused about what’s important, or even what’s true. At the same time, more unbelievers than ever are uneasy about what they see happening in the world. They know that things aren’t right and they’re feeling a sense of impending doom. So where do they turn? The only sure place to find answers is the Bible. In fact, the Apostle Peter said that the truth we get from

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ISIS Threat Evaluation

Once again, the call of “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is Greatest) rang out as a death cry in a major world city. Last week, Islamic terrorists attacked the City of Lights — Paris, France.  The terrorists hit six locations almost simultaneously. At least 129 were killed and more than 300 persons wounded. 99 of those are so critical, many of them may die, too.  ISIS has claimed responsibility. Paris went into full lockdown. France’s borders were closed. Its airspace completely restricted.

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Refugees Forcing End-Times Technology

Any reasonably informed person realizes that Europe, and the U.S.A. to a lesser extent, is in the midst of an unprecedented refugee crisis. With the dramatic developments in the Middle East – the Syrian civil war, the explosion of ISIS and other terrorist armies, the entrance of Russia into Syria, among other things – millions of Middle Easterners and North Africans have been displaced. And hundreds of thousands of them are streaming into Europe seeking protection. Many are also taking

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