Increased Lawlessness is Prophetic

Something .. that is definitely “last days prophetic scenario” stuff is the dramatic increase of “lawlessness” in our world. Both individual and institutional. It is impossible to watch TV or read the paper without being almost overwhelmed by the evil that is flooding our world. From our kids in school to our highest government figures, the flouting of the laws of the land and the norms of society is commonplace. So much so that we are becoming desensitized to it. We’ve

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The Truth About Palestine

Israel was conquered by the Babylonians who began deporting them in 586 BC.  Many years later the Persians conquered the Babylonians and the Jews remained under their control.  Centuries later, the Greeks, under Alexander the Great, defeating the Persians and ruled the known world.  Then in 63 BC, the area of Israel was conquered by Rome, and the Caesars now ruled the land.  During this Roman period of world history, Jesus ministered.  In AD 70, almost 40 years after Jesus’

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Jerusalem Events are Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.   ~Zechariah 12:3 As seen through multiple recent events, the nations of the world are increasing their efforts to weaken or remove Jewish sovereignty in Jerusalem. Is this a fulfillment of Zechariah 12:3’s prophecy that, at the End of

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Syrian Refugee Crisis

One of the gravest of the many crises facing the world right now is the explosion of refugee movements. The Bible says that as we near the end times persecution of Christians, lawlessness, and false prophets would rise. Those conditions are exploding around the world. And each of them causes the flight of refugees. Even the rise of false prophets. A false prophet is someone who claims to speak for the one true God, but does not. Did you ever

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Changes of Allegiances & Alliances

In a move that stunned some analysts and even members of Congress, Russia, Iran, Syria, and Iraq announced they would form an intelligence-sharing unit headquartered in Baghdad. In 2003, the United States went to war in Iraq to stop Saddam Hussein from building, acquiring, and using weapons of mass destruction. After winning the war, we stayed and helped rebuild Iraq at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, and many U.S. lives. Out of that sacrifice, Iraq gained a

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Israel Prime Minister speaks Biblical Truth about nations opposing Israel

Last week, the United Nations General Assembly convened. As usual, the heads of state from across the world made the pilgrimage to New York to appear before the delegates and speak their minds. Vladimir Putin defended Russia’s entrance into the Middle East and chided the U.S. and the West for arming ISIS and al-Qaeda, thus causing the mess in that region. Mahmoud Abbas (though he is not a head of state since the West Bank is not a state) announced

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Magog at the Door

A few weeks ago, Hal Lindsey discussed the Russian-Iranian led coalition of nations described in Ezekiel 38 (read article here). Just since that time, some mind-boggling activities have taken place. The Russian military has moved in troops, heavy armor, fighter jets, anti-aircraft batteries, missiles, and Navy ships to Syria – and has begun bombing targets in Syria!  In this article, Hal reveals that this very endeavor foreshadows a specific prediction by God through His servant Ezekiel over 2500 years ago! from The Hal Lindsey Report – September

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What God says about Climate Change

Well, there’s a new religion on the scene and a new inquisition on the horizon. And it’s not happening in Europe, but right here in the United States. The religion is Scientism, especially as it relates to man-made climate change. And the tribunal may well be a collaboration between insecure (and dishonest?) climate change scientists and power-hungry politicians. Do you think I’m just being an alarmist? Consider this. Recently, 20 prominent climate change scientists and professionals wrote a letter to

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9/11/01 and Isaiah 9:10

In a recent copy of Coffee Talk Light News (September 11, 2015), an article by Lee Griffith caught my eye. I have used Mr. Griffith’s appropriate title of his article for this post. In his piece, Mr. Griffith notes that more lives were lost in the 9/11 attack on the U.S. than in the attack on Pearl harbor. He notes, “There is actually a shocking similarity between the 9/11 attack on our nation and something that happened in ancient history.

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Iran & Palestine Getting Chummy on Common Goal

­An important, but almost completely ignored, development took place recently in the Middle East. I believe it comes as a direct result of the agreement between the West and Iran regarding its nuclear program. It has powerful prophetic implications. To date, Iran’s dominating influence has been exerted mainly among Shi’ite Muslims. The fact that Shi’ites comprise just 15% of the world’s Muslims – the other 85% are Sunni – has helped to restrain Iran’s global influence. It has effectively kept

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