Pride & Technology

Biblical descriptions leading up to Christ’s return match our time in breathtaking detail! Our generation really is unique in human history. And I can prove it with a single word — technology. The sum of human knowledge once took millennia to double, then centuries. By 1945, it was increasing at a rate that doubled every 25 years. Human knowledge is now commonly believed to double every 12 hours. None of us can know the accuracy of that number, but we

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Can I Be A Christian and Believe in Evolution?

This question arises frequently these days as evolution is taught in public schools across the U.S. Some Christians think it’s irrelevant whether they believe in Biblical Creation as long as they accept and abide by the Gospel. But is it?  Here is some perspective inspired by Joel Tay, a Scientist at Creation Ministries International, that shows this is a more serious matter than some Christians think. The belief that it doesn’t matter what you believe about biblical creation infers a

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Skeptical About Bible Prophesy in Today’s World?

Before watching this news report , please read the following… In Revelation 13, God reveals to the Apostle John very specific details regarding the future actions of Satan’s co-workers, the Antichrist and the false prophet. Here is what is revealed to John in Revelation 13:16 and 17: “It [false prophet] also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not

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Wikipedia – Consensus Science at its Worst

Wikipedia – A dubious source, but a powerful tool for suppressing dissent   by Paul Price Since its inception in 2001, Wikipedia has been a controversial website, plagued with problems, the greatest of which is the serious concern of biased and inaccurate content.1 This is no small problem for the internet at large, since Wikipedia has become a go-to source on nearly everything, appearing in a very high percentage of Google searches as one of the top results.2 More recently, Google was embarrassed

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Heaven Consists of Just One Race

Did you know God only allows one race of human beings into heaven?  From a biblical worldview, all humans are descendants of Adam, so biologically there is only one race.  Observational science has confirmed that there is only one race of human beings.1 Also, the science of genetics has helped us understand that there are no truly black people and no truly white people – all humans are different shades of brown depending on their level of melanin. Furthermore, the

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Center of the Universe

The universe is unimaginably vast consisting of hundreds of billions of galaxies.  We are in just one, which we call the Milky Way.  And “our” galaxy is indeed in a very unique and special place in the this vast expanse. D. Russell Humphreys writes, Over the last few decades, new evidence has surfaced that restores man to a central place in God’s universe. Astronomers have confirmed that numerical values of galaxy redshifts are ‘quantized’, tending to fall into distinct groups.

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Worried About Hurricanes and Global Warming?

Hurricanes are presently being used as the poster child for global warming, now called “climate change,” largely because hurricanes are extremely destructive and grab global attention. Like all other recent weather disasters, hurricanes are touted as proof the climate is changing because of our love affair with oil and coal. Hurricane Harvey devastated the Texas coast producing up to 50 inches of rain. Hurricane Irma followed, soon after destroying homes, land, and businesses in the northern Caribbean and Florida. The

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Atheist Miracle: Origin of Mind and Morality

by Don Batten – April 21, 2016 The origin of mind and morality from energy and atoms has long been a problem for the materialist. It is a major theme of philosopher Thomas Nagel’s book, Mind and Cosmos, already referred to. A fig tree produces figs, not apples. That seems obvious. Likewise, physics and chemistry produce physical and chemical outcomes. However, mind and morality are not just matters of physics and chemistry. Sure, creatures that are physical and chemical have mind and morality, but how

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Atheist Miracle: Origin of the Diversity of Life

by Don Batten – April 21, 2016 The origin of life is only the beginning of the problem for the materialist. Along with other atheistic biologists, Richard Dawkins has spent his life trying to deny that living things exhibit supernatural design. In the book that ‘put him on the map’, he wrote, “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.”15 … how do you get gases formed in a rapidly expanding primordial universe to

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