Are we “Salt of the Earth”?

Have you ever used the phrase “salt of the earth”? Maybe you’ve been referred to that way yourself. It’s meant to be an honor. But why? Today salt is cheap and readily available. In ancient times, though, it was a valuable commodity. Although salt is the sixth most abundant element on earth, retrieving it in a pure form was difficult. Pure salt was so precious it was sometimes used to pay wages. That’s where the expression about good workers being

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Church Gatherings and Worship

WORSHIP SERVICE is a term often used to describe a Sunday morning gathering of a church. But is real worship actually happening there? God isn’t looking for attendees to fill up the pews; He’s seeking true worshippers. When Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman, part of their discussion was about religious observance. She was focused on the right place of worship, but Jesus explained that there were two much more important aspects. Genuine worship of God must be done “in spirit

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Can I Be A Christian and Believe in Evolution?

This question arises frequently these days as evolution is taught in public schools across the U.S. Some Christians think it’s irrelevant whether they believe in Biblical Creation as long as they accept and abide by the Gospel. But is it?  Here is some perspective inspired by Joel Tay, a Scientist at Creation Ministries International, that shows this is a more serious matter than some Christians think. The belief that it doesn’t matter what you believe about biblical creation infers a

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How Important is it to partner with Israel?

Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network’s Chris Mitchell reported from Israel on how, more and more, archaeological excavations in Israel are validating the Bible and the Jewish people’s ancient connection to the “biblical heartland.” Chris got a unique look at the excavations going on at ancient Israel’s first capital, Shiloh, located along the route known as the Way of the Patriarchs. Shiloh is steeped in the Bible. It’s where Joshua divided up the Promised Land for the twelve tribes and where the

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A Promise to the Persecutors

…from The Voice of the Martyrs President Oppressive governments would do well to tolerate the Bible in their lands, because we — the church, the members of the global body of Christ — will pay any price necessary to distribute them. In love and humility, but also in the full authority Of our Lord (Matthew 28:18-20), we make these promises to the persecutors: The more you seek to restrict access to Bibles, the more we will send: for every Bible

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What Is Your Authority?

Nowhere does God’s Word state you have to believe is six literal days of creation or that the earth is just six-thousand years old  to be saved. There are Christians who believe in millions of years and Christians who accept evolution. If they profess Christ as their Savior, and have a personal relationship with Him, we should not question their salvation. In fact, does the Bible state you must believe in any of these things to be saved? Jesus walked

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Are People Born Gay?

Today, nothing is off-limits sexually because supposedly “we’re born this way.”  It is this thinking that has driven scientists and researchers to earnestly search for a so-called “gay gene” that proves, in their view, that individuals are “born this way,” and therefore homosexuality is natural and simply cannot be helped. In a way, the I was born this way” argument isn’t wrong. According to God’s Words, we are all born into sin (Psalm 51:5; Romans 5:12). Everyone is born with

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Is There A Climate Emergency?

Climate emergency directs our thoughts to physical climate change. We’re being told, with increasing frequency and alarmism, that climate change is going to destroy everything, including, perhaps, human life (and some claiming it could happen in just a few years). But is this hysteria justified? Since the 1960s, scientists and government leaders have been warning of catastrophic environmental failure, largely due to climate change. But their predictions don’t come true! Some of these failed apocalyptic scenarios include: In 1967, Stanford

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The Importance of Conviction

Today we live in a society that is convinced there are no absolute moral truths. It not only considers the Bible outdated and irrelevant to contemporary problems but also sees each person as free to decide what is right. As a result, our culture is ungodly, immoral, violent, and self-centered. How are we as Christians supposed to live in such an environment? We need look no further than the example of a teenage boy named Daniel, who had the courage

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