Weekly World News Report – March 22, 2019

Benjamin Netanyahu and the Middle East Because the relationship between Israel and the United States has become so secure during the first two years of President Donald Trump’s administration, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the fact that much of the world still opposes the tiny Middle Eastern democracy. Because of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s steady, strong, and conservative leadership of Israel, we take for granted that everything is stable within our closest ally’s borders. Not so. For the first time

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Heaven Consists of Just One Race

Did you know God only allows one race of human beings into heaven?  From a biblical worldview, all humans are descendants of Adam, so biologically there is only one race.  Observational science has confirmed that there is only one race of human beings.1 Also, the science of genetics has helped us understand that there are no truly black people and no truly white people – all humans are different shades of brown depending on their level of melanin. Furthermore, the

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Human Life – Is It Precious?

Human life – is it precious? Or is it no different from the life of a mosquito? Human life – is it worth living? Or should we just kill whomever we want? Save a human baby? Or sacrifice our children? From the baby in the womb to the elderly in the nursing home—are they made in the image of God? Or made in the image of an animal? Bodie Hodge, speaker, author, and researcher for Answers In Genesis shows that

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Where is America’s Greatness?

Donald Trump wants so much to see America return to greatness that in 2012 he trademarked the slogan, “Make America Great Again!” In 2016, that sentiment finally resonated with a majority of American voters. I believe there is a broad sense among Americans that we’ve left something behind — something crucial. But what? What made America so successful, rich, safe, powerful, and desirable?  We keep hearing that it was “American values.” But what are “American values?” The definition you would

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Are you going to trust “The System”?

Can you imagine a world in which you would never lose your car keys or wallet? Or have them stolen? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to stand in line at the grocery store? Or the airline ticket counter? Or TSA? Can you imagine a world in which you would never have to worry about having your identity stolen when shopping online? Or your credit cards accessed by hackers? Can you imagine a world in

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America’s Greatest Threat

A few months ago, “experts” predicted the North Koreans were four years away from building an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of striking the U.S. mainland. On July 4, North Korea tested an ICBM that could reach Alaska or Hawaii, but not the mainland USA. There was some concern among the national security experts, but not alarm. After all, it was only Alaska and Hawaii. And maybe Seattle and Portland. And still three or four years to go before the

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Fake News = Real Problem

The idea of “fake news” is real, folks. The problem is, it’s the mainstream media that is faking the news. They feel they can do so because they have a monopoly on communication and the public will never know they have concocted stories. Recently, the Associated Press (AP) reported that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief John Kelly had issued a memo calling for the use of the National Guard for immigration enforcement. Other major outlets took that story and

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Enemies of Trump – and America

On the Surface You thought you saw opposition during the election campaign. I believe that nothing then compares to what we will see now that President Trump actually has the power to fulfill his campaign promises. I think his attempts to do the things he was elected to do will be opposed by the Left and by the Washington establishment with such ferocity and vitriol that it will stun most of us. Not only will the President and his allies

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A Reality of Purpose

Evolutionists, atheists, and secularists do not believe in a reality of purpose. They may embrace short-term fulfillment, but without an eternal Creator there’s no ultimate purpose in life and no hope. We can’t live that way. Christians believe in a reality of purpose. Studies have shown that having purpose and meaning in life benefit both the young and old. The Lord told Pharaoh, “For this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you.” If

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God’s People Acting Like Virtual Atheists

Robert Morgan comments on Isaiah 30 scripture which depicts the king of Judah’s response to the threatening Assyrian invasion:  “They [God’s people] acted like virtual atheists, as though God were not part of the equation of their situation at all.  They failed to rely on their Redeemer.” 1 I can’t help but feel that we in the U.S. have boarded the same boat in the way we increasingly ignore God in cultural and governmental decisions – in some cases pushing

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