America Has Become “The Land Of Oz”

Over my lifetime, the U.S. has endured many challenges and hardships, but it has also risen to become the greatest power the world has ever known. We have been blessed by God with success, prosperity, and freedoms that no other nation in history has ever enjoyed. And during my lifetime, I firmly believe America has been God’s blessing to the world. We have stopped forces of evil and secured liberty for untold millions. At times, we have virtually fed the

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Are We The Ones?

Prophecy, especially prophecy concerning the “end times,” is a popular subject these days. A century ago, that was not the case. In fact, many of the great Christian thinkers, evangelists, pastors, and religious leaders gave little thought to the cryptic Biblical prophecies concerning the end of days. Some even went so far as to discount them as nothing more than Biblical symbolism. So why is the subject so popular today? One word: Israel. You see, none of the prophecies concerning

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The Hatred of an Innocent People

Simply put, the world hates Israel. It can’t help itself. It does so out of instinct. It hates Israel because it hates God. And God knew that would happen, that’s why He offered a promise of protection for His people. He said that He would bless those who blessed His people and curse those who cursed them. There’s no other logical reason why Israel should be the pariah nation it is. It is a pro-American, Western-style, capitalist democracy. It has

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Today’s “Laodicean Church”

Paul famously described these days in his second letter to Timothy. He says in part, “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive… ungrateful, unholy… without self-control… treacherous… conceited… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God….” I won’t go on, but, believe me, it’s a letter-perfect description of present day America. You can read it for yourself at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NIV). The second passage is

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The God Particle, Marriage, and Chick-fil-A

The God Particle Part 1 The Bible says that there is an active, binding force that literally holds all the matter of the universe together. It identifies that force as the Word of God. A literal translation of Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed by the (spoken) Word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.” In Colossians 1:15-17, Paul also identifies that binding force: “He

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The Deception

The disciples once asked Jesus to tell them the signs that would precede His return to earth. He gave them a list that included earthquakes, famines, wars, pestilences, and more. But the first thing He said was, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Deception will be a hallmark of the last days. One would think it would be difficult to deceive Americans. We are the most-wired, most-informed, most-open society on earth. In fact, in history. But everyday I’m stunned

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Replacement Theology

Whether you call it ‘Preterism’ or ‘Dominionism’ matters not. The underlying dogma is “Replacement Theology.” And it espouses just what its name implies: replacement. It presumes to replace the truth of God’s irrevocable oath and promises to Abraham and his descendants with an untruth eked out of thin air by doctrinaires who are nothing more than “alchemists of allegory.” I call them that because they insist that the promises made to Israel are nothing more than allegory. And they use

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One Way Out

Many nowadays think that any talk of the exclusivity of Jesus Christ is intolerant and unloving and could even be considered by the politically correct as “hate speech.” The thought that He is the only way to find everlasting life, is seen by them as nothing but religious extremism. As we know, on August the 5th, 2010, part of the San José copper-gold mine in the Atacama Desert near Copiapó, Chile, collapsed, leaving 33 men trapped 2,300 feet under ground.

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Global Government Rising

Every day brings news of another crisis, another bailout, another affront to our individual rights, another threat to our nation’s heritage, freedoms, and liberties. Jesus commanded us to recognize the signs of the season so that we’ll know when the time of redemption is drawing near. That’s why it’s important that we study these developments with a clear eye and an open heart. I don’t want you to be afraid, I want you to be alert and prepared. You’ve heard

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Where’s America?

The Bible says that eventually Israel will stand completely alone and friendless against the entire world. Where’s America? I believe these are dangerous days for the United States. Paul predicts that, in the last days, “perilous times” will come. He also describes what I believe will be the condition of the world’s most Christian nation in those days. Here is his portrait: “…men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving

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