Are People Born Gay?

Today, nothing is off-limits sexually because supposedly “we’re born this way.”  It is this thinking that has driven scientists and researchers to earnestly search for a so-called “gay gene” that proves, in their view, that individuals are “born this way,” and therefore homosexuality is natural and simply cannot be helped. In a way, the I was born this way” argument isn’t wrong. According to God’s Words, we are all born into sin (Psalm 51:5; Romans 5:12). Everyone is born with

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Is There A Climate Emergency?

Climate emergency directs our thoughts to physical climate change. We’re being told, with increasing frequency and alarmism, that climate change is going to destroy everything, including, perhaps, human life (and some claiming it could happen in just a few years). But is this hysteria justified? Since the 1960s, scientists and government leaders have been warning of catastrophic environmental failure, largely due to climate change. But their predictions don’t come true! Some of these failed apocalyptic scenarios include: In 1967, Stanford

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Skeptical About Bible Prophesy in Today’s World?

Before watching this news report , please read the following… In Revelation 13, God reveals to the Apostle John very specific details regarding the future actions of Satan’s co-workers, the Antichrist and the false prophet. Here is what is revealed to John in Revelation 13:16 and 17: “It [false prophet] also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not

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Are You Following Politicians, Celebrities, or Reporters?

Dr. Charles Stanley writes, “Many years ago while I was on a photography trip, the Heavenly Father taught me a valuable lesson about leading and following.” His party had been hiking on the trail for three or four hours when he felt a slight sensation of dread. He said he had a sneaking suspicion that they were headed the wrong way. When he asked, the guide reassured Dr. Stanley that the group was heading in the right direction. Dr. Stanley

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The Importance of Conviction

Today we live in a society that is convinced there are no absolute moral truths. It not only considers the Bible outdated and irrelevant to contemporary problems but also sees each person as free to decide what is right. As a result, our culture is ungodly, immoral, violent, and self-centered. How are we as Christians supposed to live in such an environment? We need look no further than the example of a teenage boy named Daniel, who had the courage

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Weekly World News Report – March 22, 2019

Benjamin Netanyahu and the Middle East Because the relationship between Israel and the United States has become so secure during the first two years of President Donald Trump’s administration, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the fact that much of the world still opposes the tiny Middle Eastern democracy. Because of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s steady, strong, and conservative leadership of Israel, we take for granted that everything is stable within our closest ally’s borders. Not so. For the first time

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Weekly World News Report – March 1, 2019

Recently, eight prominent members of Britain’s Labour Party resigned from their party. They did so in protest of the new rise of antisemitism within the party. Luciana Berger is one of the Members of Parliament (MP) who resigned. She wrote: “I cannot remain in a party that I have come to the sickening conclusion is institutionally anti-Semitic.” Other Labour members called her a “disruptive Zionist” who supported a “murdering government.” A well-known Labour leader, Margaret Tyson, called the Israelis, “…murdering

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Weekly World News Report – February 22, 2019

Climate Change Summit – A Moral crisis? Last week, 4,000 participants from 140 nations gathered in Dubai for the annual World Government Summit. The 2019 Summit focused on “climate change.” That’s the refurbished name for “global warming.” I suppose they felt they needed to refocus the name for the crisis when the winters started getting colder and the amount of arctic ice started increasing. One of the featured speakers was the actor, Harrison Ford. I’m not certain whether it’s his

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The Variable Truth

The United States is quickly becoming a different place. Many of the things we took for granted just a few short years ago may no longer be true. Here’s one: Bipartisan support for Israel in the United States Congress. Recently, the Senate passed a bill. It’s called “The Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act.” The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) notes that the bill, “contains critical pro-Israel provisions.” According to AIPAC, “These provisions… pledge security assistance to

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