Deception Pervading America

I doubt he fully appreciates it, but President Donald Trump has performed a valuable service for scores of millions of Americans. He has opened their eyes to the insidious atmosphere of deception that pervades America and, indeed, the world. When he takes on the mainstream media and constantly points out the daily examples of “fake news”; when he exposes the bald-faced lies of those who promote the “virtues” of socialism; when he boldly proclaims late-term abortion to be what it

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A Look at 2018 Through The Prophetic Lens

At the beginning of his masterpiece, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens wrote: “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Wow! He could have been writing about the United States of America in 2018. All we ever hear is that it is the worst of times. Reality says that, in many ways, it has been the best of times. Off-the-charts employment — for all racial groups — and increasing wages. A booming economy as

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Wikipedia – Consensus Science at its Worst

Wikipedia – A dubious source, but a powerful tool for suppressing dissent   by Paul Price Since its inception in 2001, Wikipedia has been a controversial website, plagued with problems, the greatest of which is the serious concern of biased and inaccurate content.1 This is no small problem for the internet at large, since Wikipedia has become a go-to source on nearly everything, appearing in a very high percentage of Google searches as one of the top results.2 More recently, Google was embarrassed

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Keep a Watchful Eye on Entertainment

Last year, a Michigan dad took his two stepsons to Burger King. A TV was mounted to the wall, and the older son blurted out, “Don’t look up at the TV.” The screen was filled with a lurid R-rated sex scene. Some of the customers were mesmerized by the action, and because employees were slow to change the channel, the man walked over and turned off the television. Burger King apologized when the man filed a police report, but he

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Border Trash and Illegal Immigration

One of the most direct environmental impacts of illegal immigration is one that’s clearly observable to anyone who lives at the southwest border — the thousands of pounds of trash that are discarded and left behind by aliens and their hired human smugglers. Border trash refers to items discarded by persons involved in illegal immigration such as plastic containers, clothing, backpacks, foodstuffs, vehicles, bicycles and paper. It can also consist of human waste and sometimes medical products. Accumulated border trash

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A Border-less, Nation-less, Sovereign-less World

If you don’t depend on the mainstream media for your news, then you know that more than 10,000 migrants are massed along the United States border with Mexico. They were brought there by the so-called “caravans” that the mainstream media told us, and Jim Acosta told President Trump, were no big deal. But to the citizens of Tijuana, Mexico, they are a very big deal. Their city has been invaded. Some of the caravaners have been violent. They have tried

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The Earthquake No One Felt

November saw two major earthquakes in the world. One was felt, the other wasn’t. A powerful 7.0 quake struck near Anchorage, Alaska, last week. In the three days following the earthquake, there were more than 1,800 aftershocks. Fortunately, it did not strike the city directly and it was centered more than 25 miles beneath the earth’s surface. There was no loss of life, but the images of the damage are breathtaking. But another, far stranger earthquake also took place in

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Whose side are you on?

There is unabashed prayer in the Oval Office. In front of the cameras! As a nation, we have loudly proclaimed our support for and solidarity with Israel. We have smashed some of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist forces in the world. We have withdrawn from pacts and partnerships that were not only duplicitous, but dangerous. We are witnessing a restoration of the Constitutional role of the judiciary. We have eased the bureaucratic burdens on industry and business that were choking

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Heaven Consists of Just One Race

Did you know God only allows one race of human beings into heaven?  From a biblical worldview, all humans are descendants of Adam, so biologically there is only one race.  Observational science has confirmed that there is only one race of human beings.1 Also, the science of genetics has helped us understand that there are no truly black people and no truly white people – all humans are different shades of brown depending on their level of melanin. Furthermore, the

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Brett Kavanaugh: A Crossroads for America

It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of the crossroads at which we stand today in America. One of the defining principles of our nation — one that is almost innate within the psyche of Americans — is the idea that each of us is “innocent until proven guilty” of any accusation. We all grew up knowing that, when the stakes were high, at least we had the protection of that fundamental assumption. We knew that in matters great

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Male Rapist Who Identifies as “Female” Confuses Jail System

As society drifts further from a biblical worldview (based on the absolute authority of God’s Word), we see the tragic consequences highlighted in the news over and over again. A recent news item from England just reinforces the point. Stephen Wood, who identifies as a woman going by the name of “Karen White,” is a convicted rapist and pedophile, most recently arrested for stabbing his neighbor.  (continue reading)  

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The Rise of Irrationality

One of the hallmarks of the last days will be the rise of irrationality. Romans 1:28 says, “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper.” The Greek context here means God gave them over to a mind that cannot even think in its own best interest. Satan must be pleased. Hatred is on the rise in America. Everywhere we

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